telc Exam Dates Munich | B1, B2 & C1 Hochschule
Here you may find all telc Exam Dates Munich at alinguas and the registration link. Further down, you can find information about the prices.
Days of the telc Exams in Munich
telc deutsch B1: Thursday (written exam) & Saturday (oral exam)
telc deutsch B2: Thursday (written exam) & Saturday (oral exam)
telc deutsch C1 Hochschule: Friday (written & oral exam)
telc Exam Dates Munich
Dates | Exams | Last day of inscription |
Fri 07.02.2025 Sat 08.02.2025 |
telc B1 | fully booked! |
Thu 20.02.2025 Fri 21.02.2025 Sat 22.02.2025 |
telc C1 Hochschule (B1 & B2 fully booked) |
30.01.2025 (Late registration until 05.02.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 13.03.2025 Fri 14.03.2025 Sat 15.03.2025 |
telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule (B1 fully booked) |
20.02.2025 (Late registration until 26.02.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 03.04.2025 Fri 04.04.2025 Sat 05.04.2025 |
telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule (B1 fully booked) |
13.03.2025 (Late registration until 19.03.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 15.05.2025 Fri 16.05.2025 Sat 17.05.2025 |
telc B1, telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule |
24.04.2025 (Late registration until 29.04.2025) Registration telc |
Fri 13.06.2025 and Sat 14.06.2025 |
telc B1 | 22.05.2025 (Late registration until 28.05.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 25.09.2025 Fri 26.09.2025 Sat 27.09.2025 |
telc B1, telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule |
04.09.2025 (Late registration until 09.09.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 16.10.2025 Fri 17.10.2025 Sat 18.10.2025 |
telc B1, telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule |
25.09.2025 (Late registration until 30.09.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 13.11.2025 Fri 14.11.2025 Sat 15.11.2025 |
telc B1, telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule |
23.10.2025 (Late registration until 28.10.2025) Registration telc |
Thu 11.12.2025 Fri 12.12.2025 Sat 13.12.2025 |
telc B1, telc B2 & telc C1 Hochschule |
20.11.2025 (Late registration until 25.11.2025) Registration telc |
telc examination prices
Prices for course participants
applies to intensive, evening and company courses, private lessons as well as telc examination preparation
- telc German B1: Euro 160,-
- telc German B2: Euro 160,-
- telc German C1 Hochschule: Euro 195,-
Prices for external examination candidates
- telc German B1: Euro 190,-
- telc German B2: Euro 190,-
- telc German C1 Hochschule: Euro 230,-
You can transfer the examination fee here:
Alinguas GbR, Beatrice von Schlieben-Tschira, Anna Schuhmacher
IBAN: DE29 7004 0041 0474 9594 00
Please state the name of the candidate, the desired examination and the date of the examination as the purpose of payment! Registration is only binding if the examination fee is paid within three working days. Otherwise the registration will be deleted.